This thing hums like crazy Its not a ground loop issue, I spent a weekend testing and configuring and was not able to alleviate the hum The odd thing is its way more pronounced when the phono inputAnd, when I received the Yaqin MSL Integrated Vacuum Amplifier which plunged me into my entry level introduction to Tube sound I didn't know that researching could be this difficult in that there are so many forums to read and just the time to locate pertinent information on a particular product/topic is time consumingJun 24, 15 · YAQIN MS23B Quote from beaudiophil on June , 15, PMwell, if we are talking about building up a kit also then we should mention the good sounding and easy to build up Hagerman Cornet as well When

I Ve Just Ordered A Yaqin Ms23b Tube Phono Pre Amp What Can I Expect Steve Hoffman Music Forums
Yaqin ms-23b vs schiit mani
Yaqin ms-23b vs schiit mani-Lots of things But let's start where you probably aren't expecting us to in the philosophy Yes, philosophy Because in the past years or so, audio gear has gone into full goldplated Bentley/60' private yacht/$1MM beach estate modeFirst I purchased the Yaqin MS23b same 60 cycle hum issues Thought the bigger more expensive model would have upgraded circuitry NOT THE CASE!

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Finished Upgrade Power Supply for Schiit Audio MANI Phono Stage AC16V Adapter $ $3000 shipping $3000 shipping $3000 shipping Yaqin MS23B MM RIAA LP Turntable Record Player Vacuum Tube Phono Stage Preamp $ $ previous price $ 5% off 5% off previous price $ 5% offYAQIN MS23B MM RIAA Stereo Tube PreAmplifier Phono Stage Product Price $ USD Product Model YAQIN MS23B Product Quantity 9 Units in Stock Shipping Weight 35 Kg Please Choose Voltage Devliery toMay 09, 18 · Schiit kit opts for simple, industrial designs and the Magni 3 is no different There's a brushed aluminium casing over what would otherwise be a basic, black box About the size of a chunky wallet, it will fit pretty much anywhere and looks smart enough next to a MacBook Pro
YAQIN MS77T HiFi Vaccum tube Integrated Amplifier pushpull (7027B x 4 & 6J1 x 8 tube) with protective cover 100% Brand New Declaration All items guaranteed 100% BRAND NEW in the original edition Box Features Dimension 325mm*430mm*210mm Gross weight about 24kg Net weight about 21kgSeller primeamp ️ (5,956) 9%, Location Hong Kong, Ships to Worldwide, Item YAQIN MS23B Tube MM RIAA Phono Stage Stereo Pre Amplifier Updating MS22B Plus low noise, low distortion and accurate RIAA for a dynamic crystalline sound Ability to work with an MM cartridge or a high output MI (Moving Iron) cartridge turntable;This phono stage can beYAQIN MS23B MM RIAA Stereo Tube PreAmplifier Phono Stage 1Ability to work with an MM cartridge or a high output MI (Moving Iron) cartridge turntable;
Description YAQIN MS33B MC/MM 12AX7 12AU7 Vacuum Tube RIAA Phono StageCheap Amplifier, Buy Quality Consumer Electronics Directly from China SuppliersYAQIN MS 23B Valve Tube Amplifier Phono Stage MM RIAA Turntable HiFi Stereo Vacuum Preamplifier 110 240V MS23B Enjoy Free Shipping Worldwide!Jul 26, 15 · Personally I suspect the YAQIN MS23B would win but then I'm a big fan of a single pair of tubes used, like many preamps, gain and driver for the other half of the triodes 161 I still have the Bugle 2, along with an Emotiva XPS1 and a Schiit Mani (1000) Posted by Opus 33 1/3 on , 1256 ()

Yaqin Ms23b Riaa Phono Amp Electronics Audio On Carousell

Yaqin Ms23b Riaa Phono Amp Electronics Audio On Carousell
For anyone looking to take their turntable setup up a notch without breaking the bank, the Yaqin MS23B stereo tube phono stage has a lot to offer It features a rigid aluminum enclosure and a pair of 12AX7B tubes, which modders can replace with vintage alternatives to achieve their desired sound signature Read MoreFeb 03, 16 · American outfit, Schiit, has released a new budget phono amp, Paul Rigby reviews the Mani OK, I'll pause a second while you think of 101 additional different jokes surrounding the name, which is apparently German and pronounced 'Shihtah' Aimed squarely at the budget or entrylevel user looking to investigate this new fangled format called vinyl, the Mani is a basicDec 03, 17 · I've just ordered from Amazon UK a Chinese Yaqin MS23B phono preamp I have an Elite Pioneer A/V receiver from 12 and I've been wanting for some time to improve my TT sound by using an external phono preamp as I don't think the

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Yaqin MS12B stereo tube preamp Features 7 volt output for use with a power amp and 25 volt for use with an integrated amp Sounds great either with a tube or a solid state amp Warms up the tone of a transistor ampAlso has a Moving Magnet phono stage phono preamplifer forApr 09, 19 · Schiit Mani MM / MC Phono Stage A thrill for any newcomer and satisfy most too Review By Rick Becker The word went out on Facebook that my soninlaw Justin wanted a turntable for Christmas to try out the LP craze Apparently the fine Sony noise cancelling headphones I gave him for Christmas last year planted a seed and the seed has sproutedApr 10, · I ran a Schiit Mani for several months in conjunction with a Nagaoka MP110 which I'd seen recommended as a good combination, I thought the combination was good if rather ordinary and I decided to try a LOMC, an Audio Technica ATF7, unfortunately in conjunction with the Mani the sound quality was pretty abysmal, dull and lifeless, checking the Mani specs found the input

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America's Largest FREE Audio/Hifi and Home Theater classifieds site Buy, sell, and trade high end audio and Home Theater equipment For enthusiasts, hobbyists, and casual listenersDedicated to affordably priced yet high quality Yaqin tube audio equipment The original World Wide Yaqin GroupJan 29, · Hi everyone this is my first post!

Vinyl Asylum

Schiit Mani Review Is It Worth 130 Devoted To Vinyl
Aug 01, 19 · After seeing so much positive feedback on the Mani I decided to buy a BStock one from Schiit to compare with the Vincent I've added additional power supply capacitance in my Mani and also a 15 amp wall wart (vs 500ma stock) and thought it sounded notably better with the additional power stiffness of those two updatesDec 13, · Mani at $129 is a no brainier for vinyl initiates, especially if paired with neutral or brighter AT carts, although I had good experience with full bodied Nagaoka cart on the prototype Schiit Sol The RSA is a decent deal only when purchased used at $500 someDetails about YAQIN MS23B Tube Phono Stage Preamp HiFi Stereo MM RIAA Turntable Amplifier 23 viewed per day 1 product rating 50 average based on 1 product rating 5 5 Stars, 1 product rating 1 4 4 Stars, 0 product ratings 0 3 3 Stars, 0 product ratings 0 2 2 Stars, 0 product ratings 0 1 1 Stars, 0 product ratings 0

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Schiit Mani Review Is It Worth 130 Devoted To Vinyl
Oct 13, · Emotiva XMC2 Outlaw model 70 Oppo BDP105 Definitive Technology BP 00 (2), C/L/R 3000 (center), BP2X (surrounds), & C1 (center back surround)Many lowcost phono preamps are only good for typical movingmagnet (MM) cartridges They don't have the gain neededIn some ways, the Yaqin MC13S stereo integrated is a paradox It is playing music in my system where, normally, a several thousanddollar integrated amplifier should be The paradox is that I am soundly satisfied with the music I am hearing I can live very happily for a long time with this amp in my system before I even feel the itch to invest

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Feb 04, 18 · I have finally decided that my ART phono preamp has to go, and I am currently eyeing three models the Schiit Mani, the UTurn Pluto and the ProJect Phono Box DC Yaqin MS23B tubed preamp!Sep 14, · RRP Schiit Mani $270, still has invoice and 8 months warranty left *SOLD RRP Tonar weight $170 Yaqin MC100B Tube Amplifier Modification By hdivision Started 15 hours ago 23 Better AVR/DAC/AMP option for my HT By krisk321 Started March 29A YAQIN MS23B unit A Power plug A Manual Dual power supply voltages are available on this unit, 115VAC for North America, 2VAC for Asia and Europe The unit is preset at factory for using with 115VAC Shipping Fees

Yaqin Vk 2100 Hybrid Tube Stereo Amplifier Measurements And Evaluation Part 1 By Thestuffmade

Schiit Phono Preamp Ebay
Mar 30, · The YAQIN just basically replaces the preamp and the amp Everything else stays the same When I turned on the YAQIN, I was blown away The sound is so much bigger The treble is sweet and has higher roll off then the Mark Levinson The mid rang is lush and beautiful The sound stage expandes to the point that I think I am listening to floorDec 16, 13 · Pulling the Yaqin MS22B out of the box, I was surprised by the heft The metalwork also appears to be of a high quality, having lettering for the tube types, power switch and the RCA jacks The stock tubes are Shuguang 12AX7Bs known to be a little dark in their presentation and are covered with twiston metal shieldsJun 03, · The Schiit Mani comes with a fully passive RIAA network topology having an AD7 and AD8066 gain stage There are also film capacitors and thinfilm resistors throughout Mani uses a wall wart power supply with a 16VAC transformer plus regulated / 5V rails, and consumes 4W of power

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Schiit Audio Audio Products Designed And Built In California
YAQIN MS33B HiFi Vaccum tube Vinyl phono amplifier preamp MM/MC for LP player 100% Brand New MS33B uses French Sulun coupling capacitor Power transformer uses high strength oxygenfree copper enameled wire Japan imported audio special silicon steel28 March 17 (Yaqin MS23B 12AX7 Tube Phono Stage Preamplifier HIFI EXQUIS Vinyl Turntable prepreAmplifier) (5 / 5) Good photo stage The sound has improved much better than the phono amp that I used to date It is a wonderful phonoamp I found a statement that I improved after replacing the vacuum tube It is going to be replaced with aAug 24, 17 · Post subject Re Newbie question Yaqin 12B vs 23B Posted Thu Aug 24, 17 309 am Joined Wed Aug 23, 17 246 am Posts 3 Location Toronto, ON, CA poupon wrote My experience is with the MS12B which I recently bought a few weeks ago along with a treasure of vintage tubes Pay particular attention to the interconnects as some could be

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Schiit's new Mani gives you the flexibility you need for both movingmagnet and movingcoil cartridges, together with exceptionally accurate, lownoise performance—for far less than you'd expect!Jun 08, 13 · Belles 22A Pre, Emotiva XP Gen 2, Marantz SA8005, ProJect RPM10 Turntable, Schiit Mani Phono Pre, Moon LP 3 Phono Pre, Polk Audio SDASRS, AudioQuest Cable throughout Post edited by xsmi on October 13Dec 27, 10 · Hi djb, I have not modded the Yaqin but only done some tube rolling The stock Chinese valves are Ok but not that great, so I tried some ElectroHarmonix 12AX7EH, GE 12AU7A, Mullard 12AU7, Sovtek 12AX7LPS, Mullard 12AX7I have finally settled on a pair of Mullard 12AU7 and Sovtek 12AX7LPS valves for my taste

Schiit Phono Preamp Ebay

What S Your Phono Stage History Page 11 Steve Hoffman Music Forums
Sep 26, 17 · Hi, I am currently using a Project Carbon Debut with a Mani Schiit phono amp along side my Creek Evo100A and B&W CM9 speakers For some reason there is a high pitch, humming noise coming from the speakers when im playing my vinylsI have a great 724 home theater setup now, but1 result for yaqin ms22b Save yaqin ms22b to get email alerts and updates on your eBay Feed Unfollow yaqin ms22b to stop getting updates on your eBay Feed

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Schiit Mani Review Is It Worth 130 Devoted To Vinyl
I just bought one of these and can't believe the sound it has for under $0!How to turn off the LED and how to make the Tubes look even better than beforeDopplerette von Kevin MacLeod ist unter der Lizenz Creative Commons AttributioThis revised edition of 'Putting 'LIFE' into the Yaqin MS22B and MS23' details the conversion steps that the author takes, having now converted many MS22 and MS23's CHECK OUT THIS FANTASTIC VIDEO PRODUCED BY ZONE1242 ON !

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Was using a Cambridge 640P phono preamp before2This phono stage can be used with an integrated amplifier which has volume control 3Employ DC filaments power supply to minimize humming noise 4Adopts conventional active RIAA equalization in phono stage circuit;Limited Time Sale Easy Return

Yaqin Ms23b Riaa Phono Amp Electronics Audio On Carousell

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Jul 18, 19 · Currently using a Sansui 4000 vintage receiver in my second system and was curious if the Schitt Mani or any other similar priced SS phono amp would be an upgradeNo problem with the Sansui but we all like to upgrade for better resultsThanks for any informationApr 01, 13 · The Yaqin ms22b definately provides for a tube like warmth and will introduce you to the "darkside" through solid state amplification I wouldn't call this preamp highly transparent or detailed, but it is warm and full bodied in presentation Now, this is with the stock cheap tubes As with all valve gear, the sound can be significantlyMar 21, 12 · Newbie question To get to some original opera recordings I really want to hear from the original source I've ventured into the unknown world of turntables and analog I've purchased a Rega RP1 and figured I would complement it with a tube RIAA preamp for an analog setup While I'm aware that the Yaqin MS12B amp will require some time to sound right there is a significant

Yaqin Vk 2100 Hybrid Tube Stereo Amplifier Measurements And Evaluation Part 1 By Thestuffmade

I Ve Just Ordered A Yaqin Ms23b Tube Phono Pre Amp What Can I Expect Steve Hoffman Music Forums
Does anyone have thoughts on the XSP1 v the Schiit Freya preamp?Dec 14, 18 · Update to Yaqin MS300C tube amp review (with photos) about a year after purchasing I'm still quite happy with this Yaqin tube amp, even without yet upgrading the 300B power tubes The most significant improvements have been changing the rectifier tube and adding a bypass capacitor across the second pair of large caps after the rectifierIn this video i tell you how to solve the hum problem on the ms23b tube phonopreampMinidisc Videos HERE https//wwwyoutubecom/playlist?list=PL7E66B2B

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